Category Recipes

Carrot and apple smoothie

carrot and apple smothie

Carrot and apple smothie to have a flat abdomen For this abdominal fat burning juice we use apple again, why? Very easy. This fruit, so popular all over the world, has great slimming properties, especially the green apple, since, in…

3 healthy DIY snacks

3 healthy DIY snacks

The best 3 healthy DIY snacks It is useless to practice sports if after the exercise we are going to eat the first thing that we want and we find in the pantry. As nutrition experts say, an athlete needs…

Smoothies to burn fat

Smoothies to burn fat

The best3 delicious smoothies to burn fat at 2022 If we want to take off those extra kilos that accumulate in the abs, we will have no choice but to lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of what we eat…