Category Advices

Learning to lose weight healthily

Learning to lose weight healthily Gaining or losing weight, in most cases, is the result of lifestyle changes. As we know, to lead a healthy lifestyle we must include a healthy and balanced diet and practice physical activity on a…

Myth or truth: Grain products make me fat

Myth or truth: Grain products make me fat TRUE A grain product is any food that is made from wheat, rice, oats, barley, or another grain. Grains are divided into two subgroups: whole grains and refined grains. Whole grains contain…

How to reduce hunger?

How to reduce hunger?

How to reduce hunger? Dieting almost always involves spending the whole day thinking about eating. Let’s see a few foods that help curb hunger.   When we are on a diet, we restrict the amount of food we eat, which,…

Which is worse, fat or sugar?

Which is worse, fat or sugar? Fats have always been demonized and have been considered something that we have to run away from in order to achieve a healthy diet, but recent research on them is revaluing their nutritional properties,…

Spices for weight loss

Spices for weight loss The phytonutrients present in plants act in our body as antioxidants that prevent cell mutation and thus aging, cancer, strengthen the autoimmune system and can also help control weight gain. The way in which the body…

Exercises to burn fat

exercises to burn fat

What are the best exercises to burn fat? It is true that there is no single answer to this question since it depends on the health and physical condition of each one, but there are certain exercises that burn fat…

How to lose weight at christmas?

How to lose weight at christmas?​

How to lose weight at christmas? Christmas is one of the times when people eat the most, so we want to give you some little tips so that you can enjoy without regretting anything in January. 3 things you must…